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Postal code : 117,
Post box      : 362,
Al Wadi al Kabir,
Sultanate of Oman.

Since 1986,our company Sulaiman Ahmed Mohd.Al Raisy Est.(SAMARE) has been dedicated to saving the lives and property of its clients. SAMARE has earned continued confidence of Engineers, Business Owners and contractors in virtually every type of industrial, commercial and institutional facility.

It has always been our goal to fulfill the safety needs of all our customers and to aid them in controlling costs associated with all aspects of safety in the workplace. In conjunction with our full service mobile fleet, our technicians perform on-site maintenance for all your safety needs.

We would like to take this opportunity of introducing our company as sale service and maintenance of Fire Fighting Equipment’s as per the British Standards . Our company offers comprehensive Sales, service & maintenance for all types of Fire Extinguishers, Dry Risers, Hose Reels, Fire Hydrants, Foam Equipment’s, Fire Hoses, Fire Pumps, Hose Fittings etc

The Engineers and technicians who carried out the work are well qualified with many years’ experience in this field. Our modern fully equipped service center has got the facility to re-fill CO2, Dry Powder and Foam extinguishers etc.

Our Products

fire and safety equipment

pipe testing

boiler testing division

fire and safety equipment Sales


Fire and Safety Equipment Service and Sales Division

We would like to take this opportunity of introducing our company as sale service and maintenance of Fire Fighting Equipment’s as per the British Standards . Our company offers comprehensive Sales, service & maintenance for all types of Fire Extinguishers, Dry Risers, Hose Reels, Fire Hydrants, Foam Equipment’s, Fire Hoses, Fire Pumps, Hose Fittings etc

Pipeline and Boiler Testing

Subsidiary Pipeline Testing Services (PTS) has built a providing a specialist testing service to the oil, gas, water and process industry, carrying out all aspects of pigging, pressure testing, pipeline drying and pre commissioning throughout the Oman and UAE. We also endeavour to match our personal experience with the latest technologies – our plant, equipment and specialist facilities have been purpose-built with both in mind, and our safety systems are informed in the same way. Technical support and document management is provided to field operations teams and as built data and certification delivered on completion.

BoilerTesting Services Include

1) Slag Inspections

2) Infrared Camera (IR) Inspections

3) High Temperature Slag &     Corrosion Monitoring

4) Low Temperature Corrosion     Probe

5) HVT Testing

boiler testing

6) FEGT Measurement

7) CEGRIT Ash Sampling

8) High Volume Ash Sampling

9) Cold End Corrosion

10) Low Light Came

Industrial Equipment Division

The SAMAREIndustrial Equipment Division represents and acts as distributor for a wide range of industrial equipment, with a particular emphasis on the supply of electro-mechanical products to the water segment. The Division represents some of the most prestigious international manufacturers, such as Charlatte, KSB, Godwin Pumps, and Volvo Penta to name a few. Each of manufacturers, the SAMARE Industrial Equipment Division represent, is committed to highly efficient use of energy and leads to their clients reducing costs to manufacture, operate and maintain equipment.
The SAMARE Industrial Equipment Division's role is to supply and advise OEM's and end users of these leading edge products, ultimately saving them money with long life-cycle products. The division services these products, with genuine parts, to ensure the full life cycle is achieved, reducing downtime to a minimum, through flexible service contracts.
The involvement of this company in the water sector goes hand in hand with the SAMARE Group's strong interest in the power market satisfying the utility needs of the region.

Our Clients

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